
Delphi/Object Pascal: Learning Path & Resources.

Delphi is a programming language that is based on Object Pascal, which is an extension of the Pascal programming language. It was developed by Borland in the mid-1990s as a rapid application development tool for Windows. Delphi/Object Pascal is still used today for developing desktop and mobile applications, as well as web applications and server-side software.

Prerequisites for Learning Delphi/Object Pascal:

Before learning Delphi/Object Pascal, it is recommended that you have a basic understanding of programming concepts like variables, data types, functions and control structures. Additionally, having some familiarity with OOP concepts can be helpful.

Step-By-Step Learning Path For Delphi/Object Pascal :

Here are the steps you can follow to learn Delphi/Object Pascal:

  1. Start with the official Embarcadero Delphi documentation ( This documentation covers all the basic concepts and syntax of the language, as well as the Delphi development environment.
  2. Work through some beginner-level tutorials on Delphi Basics (, which covers fundamental concepts of Object Pascal programming, such as variables, data types, and loops.
  3. Move on to advanced tutorials on Object Pascal programming on Delphi Praxis (, which covers topics such as class design, advanced memory management, and multithreading.
  4. Read some books on Object Pascal programming, such as Mastering Delphi by Marco Cantù ( and Object-Oriented Programming with Delphi by Guido Hornberg (
  5. Learn how to use the VCL (Visual Component Library), which is the library of user interface components that come with Delphi. The official Embarcadero documentation ( covers all the details of the VCL.
  6. Learn about database programming in Delphi. The official Embarcadero documentation ( covers how to work with databases using Delphi, as well as advanced topics such as data access components and data binding.
  7. Experiment with third-party libraries and frameworks for Delphi. Some popular libraries and frameworks include Indy (, which provides Internet connectivity components, and FireDAC (, which is a powerful database access library.
  8. Join the Delphi community, where you can ask questions, get help with problems, and connect with other Delphi developers. Some resources to consider include the Embarcadero community ( and the Delphi subreddit (
  9. Finally, continue to deepen your understanding of Object Pascal programming by reading the source code of existing Delphi projects. This can be a great way to learn about advanced language features and design patterns used in real-world applications.

Top Learning Resources For Delphi/Object Pascal:

  1. Official Embarcadero Delphi Documentation –
  2. Delphi Basics –
  3. Delphi Praxis –
  4. Mastering Delphi by Marco Cantù –
  5. Object-Oriented Programming with Delphi by Guido Hornberg –
  6. Delphi Developer –
  7. Learn Delphi –
  8. Delphi Programming –
  9. Delphi Tips –
  10. DelphiLand –
  11. About Delphi –
  12. Learn Pascal –
  13. Pascal Programming for Schools –
  14. Object Pascal Handbook by Marco Cantù –
  15. Essential Pascal by Marco Cantù –
  16. Pascal Programming and Object-Oriented Programming –
  17. The Delphi Geek –
  18. Delphi-PRAXiS –
  19. Stack Overflow Delphi Tag –
  20. Delphi Forum on CodeRage –

What to Learn After Delphi/Object Pascal:

After learning Delphi/Object Pascal, it is recommended to learn about other programming languages that are commonly used in the same domains, such as Java, C++, or C#. Additionally, learning about web development frameworks like Angular or React can be helpful for those interested in web application development.

Top 5 Advantages of Delphi/Object Pascal:

  1. Delphi/Object Pascal is fast and efficient, making it an excellent choice for developing high-performance applications.
  2. Delphi has a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) that includes a visual form designer, code editor and debugger.
  3. Delphi has a large and supportive community that provides helpful resources and support.
  4. Delphi’s RAD tools allow developers to create applications quickly and easily, which is a major advantage for small to medium-sized projects.
  5. Delphi/Object Pascal is cross-platform, which means that applications can be developed for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.

Top 5 Disadvantages of Delphi/Object Pascal:

  1. Delphi/Object Pascal is not as widely used as some other programming languages, which means that there may be fewer resources and support available.
  2. Delphi/Object Pascal is not as well-suited for large and complex projects compared to some other programming languages.
  3. Delphi/Object Pascal does not have as many libraries and tools available compared to some other programming languages.
  4. Delphi/Object Pascal’s syntax may be less familiar to developers who are used to other programming languages.
  5. Delphi/Object Pascal may not be the best choice for web development, as it is more commonly used for desktop and mobile applications.

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